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3 Ways to Nurture Your Employee Alumni

When an employee tenders their resignation and makes their announcement to the world that they are leaving your organization, companies don’t often see this as an Opportunity presented. What I mean is that when your employee gives their notice, the trollers, the shit stirrers, and the negative Nancy’s come out of the woodwork directing their time, energy, and effort to the soon to be ex-employee. Because when most people resign from a company, there’s a reason, and these nay sayers can commiserate, share stories, and share the love or hate of said organization with one another.

I first experienced this phenomenon myself as an when I resigned from a position as HR Manager because I needed to relocate. As word spread across my office that I was leaving, more people than ever before casually stopped by. People made an effort to say hi, ask questions, and share with me their real feelings and opinions about the company, the management, and their grievances – all without holding back.

When an employee makes the decision to leave an organization, the company has an opportunity to turn what people often see as a negative into a positive especially if the employee’s move, relocation, or job change isn’t the usual suspect. And by usual suspects I mean bad managers, too little pay, or just plain angry reasons. Companies can capitalize on this positive exit and continue to foster a relationship by leveraging this happy group of alumni employees.

The idea is that happy employees have happy friends and those friends might be the right person or persons to work within your organization maybe now, 8 months or three years from now. Let your former employees better your brand. Facilitating this relationship can be accomplished several different ways:

Employees – both current and former – offer the unique opportunity to continue branding, building relationships, and promoting your company. Good referrals matter. When an employee leaves an organization, companies are presented with an opportunity. The benefits of alumni networking relationships promote your company – helping to fill open positions and bring in new top notch professionals – long after employees depart the organization.

Jessica Miller-Merrell, SPHR is a HR consultant, new media strategist, and author who writes at Blogging4Jobs. Jessica is the host of Job Search Secrets, an internet television show for job seekers.

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