SmartRecruiters Blog

Top 5 Recruiting Software Features of Fall 2011

What a year 2011 has been! Since our launch at the end of August, SmartRecruiters has continued to release integrative and in demand sourcing functionality. In our quest to be easy, smart, social, open (and entirely free), here is:


The Countdown of the 5 Best Hiring Made Easy Features:


5.  Predictive Recruiting

Based on the job boards chosen, the sourcing indicator considers your job, industry, function, level, and location in order to give the percentage chance that you will get enough good qualified candidates to make a hire. This real time data driven approach will help you find the needle in the haystack (while searching through less hay). This feature is still in beta, but SmartRecruiters is thrilled about its potential to find you great candidates from right places.

“We are excited for the growth and data driven direction of the sourcing indicator,” says CEO Jerome Ternynck. “As they say, ‘In God we trust. All others bring data.’ ”


4.  Job Manager, the WordPress Plugin


Job Manager is the cool and easy plugin to post jobs within your WordPress environment. This plugin automates the posting of relevant jobs on any web page while leveraging your existing style sheet, and letting you filter jobs by location and/or department. When posting jobs, Job Manager maintains the integrity of your brand. All candidates are consolidating within your SmartRecruiters software for easy candidate management. Download Job Manager.


3.  Post Jobs to the Best Tech Job Sites


Direct posting to the leading programmer communities, designer communities, market leading publications, and job sites for the tech industry. Seasoned analyst of HRtech market strategy and editor of HRexaminer John Sumser said, “this is impressive.”



2. Careers Tab, the Facebook App

Turn your fans into hires by adding a “Careers” tab to your existing Facebook fan page to display your current job openings there. The are more than 800 million Facebook users, and in the last year, 50% of job seekers have visited Facebook to look for a job. Any job you post via SmartRecruiters will be automatically posted to your Facebook fan page as well. In the social web, your Facebook company page is your website. Download here.



1. Mobile Career Sites

“For employers, mobile is the new paradigm shift. SmartRecruiters Mobile Career Sites are a great way for candidates and employers to connect on mobile devices,” stated Michael Marlatt, a mobile recruiting expert and founder of mRecruitingcamp.

With 50% of internet traffic soon coming from mobile devices, it’s rather important to give people an easy access to jobs from a tiny mobile screen. Your SmartRecruiters Careers Page: now has a mobile style sheet so that when someone accesses it via a mobile device it automatically adjusts itself to display your job list and individual job descriptions in a nice and easy format. This innovative product development has been featured in InformationWeek – “Help Wanted 2.0: SMB Recruiting Goes Mobile” and Business News Daily – “Savvy Recruiters Are Mining the Mobile Marketplace for Job Candidates.”

As an Open SaaS company, we are committed to rolling out the best features to all of our customers at no cost. Here are all of our product updates. SmartRecruiters expects even bigger things in 2012!

David Smooke

David Smooke was the Director of Content Marketing and Social Media at SmartRecruiters and is the Founder of ArtMap Inc & AMI Publications.