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Looking for Work Ain’t for Suckers

Ugh looking for work ain’t for suckers. As a jobseeker, I’ve experienced some stuff that made me scratch my head. If you haven’t searched for work in a while consider yourself lucky. However it probably will happen to you or someone you know soon. Be warned, things have changed a bit out there. Lots more competition, lots more places to search and communities to source. It’s time consuming and grueling.

Applicants can become tired and weary. They get plenty of calls from many different people, some savvy and professional, some are not. And when you’re upset and feeling helpless an untimely insensitive remark can send you right over the top. It’s really a powder keg ready to explode. On this end of the phone is the aggravated discouraged worker and on the other line we often have the worn out recruiter with no hiring software (except for maybe Excel).

Why is the process so frustrating? Well, I’m glad you asked. Here’s what the average active job seeker has to deal with.

Job boards, social networks and recruiters:

It’d be real nice if everyone used SmartRecruiter software, that way the job seeker wouldn’t be pushed to the brink of a tumble by a redundant call again.


Chris Fields is an HR professional and leadership guy who blogs and dispenses great (not just good) advice at Cost of Work. Connect with Chris via email at  Photo Credit CognitiveBias.

[Editor’s Note: Last week, a new client called us, raving about how thrilled she was to have all applicants in one place. The client proceeded to tell us a story. Previously, all resumes were kept in a file cabinet. One day the company received a promising resume, and invited the candidate in for an interview. When the candidate arrived, the company realized this face is familiar.  Shortly into the interview, the company realized, GEE WHIZ we have already interviewed this candidate. The file cabinet is NOT where resumes belong.]

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