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Manpower’s 5 Tips For Connecting to Your Next Hire

Not being able to locate and hire the right talent is a problem bemoaned by many an employer of late. But are employers doing everything they can to optimize that process?

A report released yesterday by ManpowerGroup based on a survey of upwards of 200 job seekers recommends that companies do more to get to know the pool of job seekers from which they’re looking to hire and take steps to better target the individuals they’re seeking.

“The picture that emerges,” states the report, “is one of connection and customization. One size does not fit all when it comes to engaging prospective employees.”

Here are five things your company can do right now to shorten your route to the best available talent.

1) Your company website is the point of entry for the vast majority of applicants.

Eighty-six percent of survey respondents cited a company’s website as their “primary search resource.” Additionally, 36% of respondents said there was “a need for clearer, more detailed information about the organization, the job opportunity, and related compensation.”

Even if you’re posting openings on other job search sites, make sure your website is carefully curated and regularly updated with information about your company and its workplace culture, as well as specific details about available jobs, the related hiring process, and opportunities for employees to grow and develop professionally.

“Because serious candidates are investigating the websites of the employers they are interested in, organizations must approach website development strategically, review their current content from a candidate’s perspective and take a critical look at job descriptions.”

2) Job seekers are using social media to research your company, but different groups use social networks differently. 

Nearly one third of respondents reported using social media to research companies and job openings, so your social media presence is crucial to a comprehensive recruitment strategy. It’s equally important, however, to understand how professionals at various stages of a career use social media differently.

The report notes that Millennials tend to use Facebook primarily for socializing and at the same time are migrating to other platforms, while those with high incomes or significant experience in a given field don’t tend to see out company information on Facebook. The target demographic for your company’s Facebook page seems to be older job seekers who might not be earning top-tier wages or may be considering a change of role or industry.

Job seekers using Google+ to facilitate the hunt were largely “not motivated by the compensation levels of the positions for which they applied,” while those who preferred LinkedIn tended to be older and bring in higher incomes, though they too were relatively unmotivated by compensation.

About 15% of respondents using social media in their job search reported using Instagram, particularly those who are “most comfortable” with video technology. Those who used LinkedIn and Instagram in tandem tended to be those more actively seeking employment. Respondents also noted using Pinterest, Twitter, and other networks.

3) Face-to-face communication is still by far the best way to connect with candidates. 

Though technology has made new interview formats like video conferencing more common, 72% of respondents identified an in-person interview with the hiring manager as the interview format with which they felt most at ease.

“While they are often a more timely and cost-effective option for employers than in-person interviews,” states the report, “virtual interviews may sometimes prevent candidates from being at ease or presenting their talents in the best possible way.”

Those earning higher salaries tended to be more comfortable with video interviews. Additionally, those applicants seeking higher compensation were more willing to try new interview formats, “especially if respondents’ participation in these formats improved their likelihood of acquiring paid positions.”

4) Bring on hiring managers that are the best possible ambassadors for your brand.

The extraordinary emphasis being placed on company culture and the strong evidence of its importance to job seekers means it’s essential that your company’s hiring process and the professionals who facilitate it be consistent with the organization’s brand and goals.

“If recruiters are not a proper fit,” the report notes, “top talent will immediately take note of the mismatch.”

5) Ensure that your online presence is “device agnostic.”

As mentioned earlier, candidates will be researching your company across a broad array of platforms, so you must take steps to ensure that their experience is consistent, regardless of how they view your online presence. The report emphasizes working to make your company’s website and any other online platforms consistent and functional for  ”different types of devices, including notebooks, tablet PCs, and smartphones.”


@KathrynDillThis article was written by Kathryn Dill from Forbes and was legally licensed through the NewsCred publisher network.  SmartRecruiters is your workspace to find and hire great people.


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