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THE 10 Twitter HashTags to Follow for #SHRM13

I woke up this morning to crazy amounts of excitement, engagement, and conversations happening on my favorite social network,  Twitter boasts 340 million tweets per day.  Although I’m certain that number is on the rise especially with the way my Twitter feed has blowing up when it comes to the conversations surrounding the 2013 SHRM Annual Conference.

For those that are new to – especially in the HR and Recruiting world – it is a great place to connect, share, and build relationships with job seekers, peers, and catch up on the happenings surrounding the #shrm13 conference.  With 15,000+ expected in attendance, the annual conference is a BIG event.  One of the benefits of Twitter is it’s fast pace as well as the ability to engage those HR pros attending the event and those who are monitoring the conference activities from afar.

Here are THE 10 Twitter hashtags to follow during SHRM’s Annual Conference in Atlanta:

  • #shrm13.  Seems obvious enough, right?  This is the official SHRM Annual Conference hash tag.  Look for thousands upon thousands of microblog updates to happen between now and mid July even after the conference ends.
  • #hr.  The HR hash tag is the most popular hash tag in our industry.  Because the industry is so diverse, it serves as the catch all for the industry.
  • #dthrThe hash tag is the home of the most popular daily HR radio show, DriveThruHR broadcasted live Monday-Friday at 12:00 PM CST.  The show is streaming live from the annual conference.
  • #hrblogs.  This is a popular hash tag for the HR blogging community to share and engage in a smaller and more intimate community. Engage with amazing practitioners like Charlie Judy (@hrfishbowl), Mike Vandervort (@mikevandervort) and Trish McFarlane (@trishmcfarlane) to name a few. Here’s a full list of some great HR folks in social media. This hash tag is a great place to cut through the conference noise to directly hear and interact with the bloggers and influencers who have their attention at the event.
  • #shrm.  This is the Twitter hash tag for everything SHRM.  It’s a great place to frequent and look for updates by others who may have left off the 12 in the #shrm13 hash tag.
  • #shrminators.  One of the things I’m most proud of is the adoption by SHRM employees when it comes to Twitter.  They use this hash tag frequently as a way to communicate and engage within their own company culture.  While their minds are currently on the annual conference so it’s not likely to be very active.  Here’s a SHRM list curated to give you an idea of the employee’s of the world’s largest HR professional association.
  • Session Hash Tags.  Because there are so many tweets flying, this is where the benefit of secondary hash tags come into play.  Although there are no official secondary hash tags created by the conference, attendees can create these hash tags themselves helping to categorize and catalogue nuggets from sessions to use notes or a session transcript.
  • #shrmbuzz.  These are blogs, articles, and resources from the conference with a more targeted strategy in mind.  Simply, what’s the buzz at shrm? This hash tag will allow blog readers and interested parties to better follow the conversations and articles written by those attending sessions at #shrm13.
  • #socialsiesta.  This is the official hash tag for my party at the 2013 SHRM Annual Conference.  Look for updates happening, news, information, and photos from the event.  You can learn more about Social Siesta here.
  • #hrci.  For those certified HR professionals with important and complicated looking letters at the end of their names like PHR, SPHR, GPHR.  #HRCI and the respective certification hash tags are a great way to find other certified professionals or webinars before, after, and during the conference to learn with and network.Enjoy the SHRM Conference.  Is there a hash tag that I missed?  Share it below and let’s get the conversation started.  See you later this week in Atlanta.

Jessica Miller-Merrell, SPHR is a HR consultant, new media strategist, and author who writes at Blogging4Jobs. Jessica is the host of Job Search Secrets, an internet television show for job seekers. She has over 100,000 Twitter Followers.

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