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The Past, Present, & Future of Mobile Recruiting

In my last column I provided 7 tips for mobile recruiting. It’s obvious that we use our phones for everything from online shopping to driving directions, our mobile devices are there for us. It’s replaced our camera, camcorder, alarm clock and more.

The popularity and convenience of smartphones makes them a powerful tool for recruiting too. Job seekers are attached to their phones and other devices, and use them in their search for new positions.

Mobile recruiting has come a long way over the past few years, and still has room to improve and grow. Here’s a look at the evolution of mobile recruiting and where the technology is heading in the future:

The Past

The Present


Job seekers expect a mobile site that is easy to read and use from any device. This means companies are going beyond mobile-friendly and optimizing their sites for multiple mobile devices. Employers who fail to do so won’t have much luck attracting job seekers on mobile.

Mobile Applications

As mobile technology advances and becomes more popular, job seekers want to complete every stage of the process, from the search to the application, from their phones and tablets. More companies are embracing the mobile application and finding ways to make the process easier for candidates.

One approach is to enable candidates to use their LinkedIn or other social profiles to complete sections of the application. Others are creating simplified applications that job seekers can easily complete from their devices without getting frustrated.

The Future

What do you think? What will the future of mobile recruiting look like?

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