SmartRecruiters Blog

Weekly Release: Improved Sourcing Strategy

Improving your sourcing strategy: On June 17, 2011 we announced performance-based job board suggestions, which was the identification of boards that attract the best candidates for your job opening. This week we extended this functionality to show you 10 relevant boards instead of 5. We have also fine-tuned our algorithm and are now ordering the boards such that you see the top performing board at the top of the list. You can also influence the suggestions by editing the criteria that governs the suggestions – industry, function and experience level. Simply click on the edit link and update them to find the best job boards for you.



Stability and session time-outs: Last week, a number of our customers reported that they were getting logged out of the system due to inactivity, even when they are not actually inactive! We spent a lot of time this week looking into this issue, and found the causes. The good news is that we have figured this out and released a fix that will ensure fewer to no session time-outs. It was a little bit like looking for a needle in a haystack but we found the needle and sewed up the seams!


This week’s bug fixes


  • Users who were running into issues when setting up career site should now be able to configure and embed career sites. This bug has been resolved.

  • Emails sent out from the system will use UTF-8 encoding. This means that the emails will now retain international characters. This is particularly useful for companies that send emails and invites in languages other than English.

  • Copying a job was affecting the job ad URL (was displaying copy of job ad in the URL, making it unintuitive). This issue has been resolved. The URL will no longer contain the terms “copy of job.” The job that is copied will have a unique URL.

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Dipti Mandalia