SmartRecruiters Blog

Weekly Release: One-click Sharing to LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook

At SmartRecruiters, we believe that recruiting is about casting a wide net and making the right choice – a wide net that attracts quality candidates. We took the first step toward helping you attract quality candidates by making performance-based job board recommendations that will be most effective for your particular job. Now we help you leverage the power of your social networks. We let you spread the word about your new job opening on leading social networks, LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook, directly from our new and improved job-posting wizard.

How do I use this feature?

Start by posting a new job or editing an existing job. Create your job ad as you would, add additional details and go to the “Post Job” step of the wizard. Select the social networks you would like to post a status update to.


The first time you post a job, you will be asked to authenticate SmartRecruiters to access your social networks.


Select free and paid job boards as needed and click on “Post Job.” It’s that easy! In one click SmartRecruiters job wizard will post your job to your career site, all free job boards, selected paid boards and also post a status update on your LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.

What’s more? Once you authorize SmartRecruiters to connect to your social networks, we remember this connection so that you do not need to go through this authentication process again. On every subsequent job ad, simply select the networks you’d like to post to and you are on your way. Reach out to your entire social and professional network, in one click – everyone you know is a reference now!


This week’s bug fixes

    • Some select job ads were not getting updated, even via the edit and re-post workflow. This issue has now been fixed. You should be able to edit draft as well as posted jobs and also save drafts as many times as you wish before you are ready to post your job.


  • All job postings to LinkedIn that were not going through last week should be up on LinkedIn now. The issue of auto-posting to LinkedIn, that some users were seeing has been resolved.

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Dipti Mandalia