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Why The #Recruiting Industry Loves Big #Data

A great shift is happening within the recruiting industry as Big Data, and the need for clean data has taken center stage. Although recruiting firms have always touted their databases as being a differentiating factor, all recruiters know the importance of a current live search.

A great shift is happening within the recruiting industry as Big Data, and the need for clean data has taken center stage.  Although recruiting firms have always touted their databases as being a differentiating factor, all recruiters know the importance of a current live search.   The databases may be one stop, among a checklist of places we would search, but it was never our only spot.  And why would even the most robust databases not fulfill our job searches?  Because contact information changes too often. Contact information becomes stale shortly after inputting the details.  If someone is not changing their job, they’re likely changing their title, their email, or their cell phone number.

Job Boards As Data Sources

The only place that had the latest contact information was often job boards, since anyone looking for a job would post their latest information and resumes there. But all recruiters and companies know that it’s the passive candidates you are always after. The right candidates are typically not the ones seeking you, or posting their data on job boards.  The best talent typically gets found by the recruiter, and usually not the other way around.

Cloud Computing And Living Databases

Cloud computing that enables living databases have now become a game changer in the recruiting industry. The way smart recruiters can now utilize living databases has become a differentiator separating the good recruiters from the great ones.  Automating the “hunt and find” part of the search process enables sourcers and recruiters to launch effective searches faster than ever before.

This new technology has disrupted the world of recruiting.  In this new playing field, the recruiter’s new best friends are the software companies that can produce easy, accurate, clean contact lists of that perfect profiled candidate. It was by no accident that one of the first applications Salesforce signed up was with a software company who specializes in cleaning and gathering accurate contact data.  Ringlead was the first app partner to Salesforce, even before their was an app store! Today, Ringlead’s CEO, trained in software engineering and recruiting, epitomizes the perfect synergies between automated data and recruiting.

Because of these innovations in speedy contact data, and list building, there’s never been a better time to be a recruiter.  It’s still a high margin business that adds tremendous value, and software now makes finding the right person, at the right team, easier than ever.

How Exactly Is Big Data Making Talent Acquisition Better?

It’s all in the data now available, and how fast it can be accessed. Instead of spending the first week, and up to a month, trying to find and source the right job title, for the right candidate, in the right industry, in the exact region needed, now you can use tools to create your targeted list in minutes. Now, instead of using multiple search tactics, and hunting that perfect profile lurking among multiple sites,  you can now attain that list of 200 candidates with a couple clicks within your data portal. That way you can start making calls, instead of researching who to call.

This is a sourcer’s dream, as well as a recruiter’s best friend.  This improved data, that can be delivered to you, desktop or mobile, is changing the recruiter’s desk, workload, and lifestyle. How do you become the fastest? You have the best technology and data partner in the market. If cash is King, data is now Queen.

This article was written by Diane OBrien from Business2Community and was legally licensed through the NewsCred publisher network.SmartRecruiters is the hiring success platform to find and hire great people.


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