Recruiter Performance

Hiring Success Glossary

Recruiter Performance

Every organization has a person who is assigned the task of roping in, singling out and appointing deserving candidates for a job opening. These people play an important role in selecting the appropriate staff for the smooth running of an organization. However, there is always a scope of improvement in the system of job assignment. This is essential for a better performance of the company.

Recruiter performance metrics

Measuring and rating the success and the level of performance of a head hunter highlights the pros and cons of the recruitment system. Thus, it is important for every organization to inspect and improvise upon their recruiter performance. The factors to keep in mind while appraising the accomplishments of a corporate head hunter are:
  • Their ability to earmark suitable candidates.
  • Their ability to select candidates wisely.
  • Their ability to determine whether the qualifications of the candidate are appropriate to the job opening.
  • Their ability to ask the right questions and to gauge from the candidate’s answers if the candidate understands the job requirements.
  • Their ability to attract the best candidates in a particular field, even if they are not seeking a new job. They should be able to convince them of the great opportunity that lies ahead of them.
  • Recruiter performance is indicated by the time taken to hire suitable candidates. This includes the efficiency of their sourcing channels, the speed and effectiveness of their interview process.
  • The cost incurred by them to hire suitable candidates. The process of recruitment needs proper advertising to attract candidates. Thus, expenses are incurred for using different mediums of advertising. Newspapers, business magazines, internet portals are some of the advertising mediums.
  • Their ability to train and prepare the selected candidates to retain their posts so that there are no early withdrawals.
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